Project Chatterley Whitfield is now official. It was presented to the Friends & Committee & there were no objections so it looks like we are up & running! That was my signal to start promoting our idea for a film & a book - the main thing that we need now is STORIES - from people who worked at the colliery, the museum & from locals who were bought up in the area & have memories of the colliery.
To get this started we've done a post on one Facebook Site - "Stoke is where the heart is", we were then going to do it on some Mining & other Stolke sites tomorrow - however it seems to have been shared over LOADS of other sites already & has already had over 4,000 views in just 2 hours! ****UPDATE - 12,000+ views, 150+shares & 50+ comments in only 5hrs. keep spreading the word & we can save Chatterley Whitfield! ***** We are already getting some great new contacts with some great new stories that we will hopefully be adding to the film (if they are not camera shy!) & including in the book. Anyway that's a quick update of Day 1 - the day Project 2018 became public!
You should have the video on this post - feel free to share!